In those ancient

Once all  antiquity were white as snow . In those ancient times people deal with food security being hunted buffalo and stone arches since then there was no other weapons . In addition,  were friends of buffaloes and buffalo protected from hunters . One  was too large and everyone else ran . Hunters rifles ran up and gave the alarm and buffalo , their friends run away . People who suffer hunger , gathered in an advice to decide what to do .A wise old man proposed to catch the raven artfully great white . Elder disguised a young man throwing the body over a large buffalo skin to cover the whole of the head to the horns and learned to fall between bulls . Disguised as buffalo , the teen slipped between any of the buffalo herd and not listen to him . When his fellow hunters approached , flying above korbecët gave the alarm , and all fled buffalo , buffalo new addition that was removed as feeding. Then raven big, white approached , defected to push , but the young man easily grabbed it and made ​​clutches . Courtesy , as we knew , decided to find , but Raven though connected escaped , precisely when connecting gjalmi legs burned . The scorching , the disheveled and blackened raven went away and decided not to become involved with work on hostel .

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