Rejoice my friend

Rejoice my friend the poet , who has taken to protect the hand of God , not the Black Hand criminals . Furthermore , you have not found the chump in luxurious car with a lover or some bank card with a startling amount in commercial banks . Nor , in any political post ! Furthermore , a member of the three Academies of Sciences with three pensions Albanian Yugoslav states .

My Amana , my friend is another Albanian nature : And , I know that tomorrow will be " cofee " more black than you, like a dog after ports . Nobody do not expect the funeral , bring me flowers crowns Çuka foot . Telegrams of condolence from prime ministers , ministers and politicians escaped through government labs . In addition , close to my family and Kicevo cucave with tambourines , Albanian dance song followed me to the grave , I do not see eye to hear with their ears , no other man on the head dudumëve strain shedding crocodile tears with long speeches pathetic !

No , it has not been easy and is fighting with the pen . Especially when my friend lived and acted , poet Abdullah Konushevci . The author of the chariot of the Sun . Nateditë string knocking us over the head , House Library . There was a range of Naughty Bird , Cuckoo or brother who sought more oak acorn

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